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By: Lester S. Alford
PRISON IS A PLACE- Where the flame in every man burns low. For some men it goes out completely. But for most, it flickers weakly, sometimes flashes brightly but never seems to burn as brightly as it once did.
PRISON IS A PLACE- Where you can go for years without feeling the touch of a hand from someone who loves you. Where you can go for months without hearing a kind word. Its a place where your friendships are shallow and you know it..
PRISON IS A PLACE- Where you can forget the sounds of a baby's cry, a cat's meow, or the sound of a dial tone of a telephone.
PRISON IS A PLACE- Where you go to bed before you're even tired, where you pull the blanket over your head at night when you're not even cold. Its a place where you escape by reading, playing games, dreaming, or even going mad.
PRISON IS A PLACE- Where you see people that you don't admire and you wonder if you are anything like them. Its a place where you strive to stay civilized but you lose ground and you know it.
PRISON IS A PLACE- Where you begin to fool yourself, where you promise yourself that you'll live a better life when you go home. For some, they do, but most often you don't.
PRISON IS A PLACE- Where you get out someday and when you do, you wonder how everyone around you can remain so calm when you're so excited. When the bus driver goes over 25 miles an hour you want to tell him to slow down, but you don't because you know you'll look like a fool.
PRISON IS A PLACE- Where you wake up everyday and wonder if you'll ever hear someone that you love, tell you that they love you again and mean it. Where a hug from someone who really does loves and care for you can get you through the next week, month, or year.
PRISON IS A PLACE- Where you realize that the things the outside world considers to be little, means the world to you now.
PRISON IS A PLACE- Where you will need someone to reach in, while you are trying to reach out....
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